
We’ve created an unbiased travel search engine that scans the web for as many hotels as we can get our hands on, giving you the satisfaction that comes with uncovering an amazing deal.

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Booking London

How do I change or cancel my hotel booking?

As a travel search engine, Skyscanner is a tool to help you plan your trip but we don’t take bookings or payments of any kind. Once you have found what you are looking for, we simply transfer you to the hotel provider to complete your booking. This means your booking is with them, not with Skyscanner, and we don’t hold any of your details connected with any bookings you may have made.

For this reason, we recommend you get in touch with the hotel provider directly with questions about changing or cancelling a booking. Depending on which hotel provider you have booked through, there will be different options for cancellation and refunds and these can usually be found on the company’s website.

Can I request a cot or extra bed?

If you require a cot or an extra bed, you can usually include this request during the booking process on the provider’s website as a ‘special request’. If you have already booked your stay and wish to include this request, we recommend contacting the hotel provider to ensure that this can be included to your booking. You can usually find their contact details on your booking confirmation or directly on their site.

Will breakfast be included in the price?

Depending on the room type and hotel selected, breakfast may be included. This can be viewed under ‘Room Type’ in green as ‘Breakfast included’.

Where is my hotel confirmation?

As a travel search engine, Skyscanner is a tool to help you plan your trip. We don’t take hotel bookings or payments directly, we’ll transfer you to the hotel provider to complete your booking. So your booking is with them, rather than with Skyscanner.

Once you’ve made a booking, the hotel provider will send you a confirmation email. If you haven’t received that email, we recommend checking your spam or trash email folders, as sometimes emails from unrecognised sources can end up there. If you still can’t find the email, we recommend that you contact the hotel provider directly. If you can’t remember who you booked with, you can usually check your credit card statement for a company name. If you’re still struggling, please get in touch via the button below and we’ll do our best to help out.

Is my hotel booking refundable?

As a travel search engine, Skyscanner is a tool to help you plan your trip but we don’t take bookings or payments of any kind. Once you have found what you are looking for, we simply transfer you to hotel provider to complete your booking. This means your booking is with them, not with Skyscanner, and we don’t hold any of your details connected with any bookings you may have made.

For this reason, we recommend you get in touch with the hotel provider directly with questions about changing or cancelling a booking. Depending on which provider you have booked through, there will be different options for cancellation and refunds and these can usually be found on the provider’s website. To make it easy to get in touch with them, we’ve included a list of the most common providers we show on Skyscanner below:

How can I pay for my hotel?

As a travel search engine, Skyscanner helps you find hotel options but we don’t take bookings or payments. When you find the options that suit you, you will be transferred to the hotel provider’s site to complete your booking. Once you are on the provider’s page, you’ll be able to see all the different payment options they offer.

For this reason, we recommend that you get in touch with the hotel provider directly if you have any questions about how to pay. You can usually find their contact details on their website, or to we’ve included a list of the most common providers we show on Skyscanner below:

I think I have been overcharged for my hotel booking

If you feel like you have been overcharged, we recommend that you contact the hotel provider you booked with – they are the best people to help you, and Skyscanner doesn’t have any access to your booking information. If you have already contacted them and you still need our help, please get in touch via the contact us button below.

Prices displayed on Skyscanner always include an estimate of all charges that must be paid. When you’re transferred you to the hotel provider’s site to complete your booking all details, including prices, will be updated and displayed. The final price you pay for your hotel may change because of additional options offered by the hotel provider (although these should always be optional).

Hotel providers should offer a free payment option (usually it’s the most popular card in your country) but they might charge fees for other payment methods. Because you have at least one option to avoid these fees, we don’t include them in our prices.